iRexta Managed Hosting Inc. SLA Covers All SLA Infractions Specific to Dedicated Servers: Network Uptime
1. General Summary
iRexta Managed Hosting guarantees a datacenter network availability of 99.999% uptime in any given month. This means that the core networking components within our datacenter are available through a global internet 99.999% of the time. Customers must meet SLA eligibility requirements listed below for any SLA credits to be granted. Any SLA infraction for network uptime above will be met with the SLA credits below.
* Please see below for any network uptime exclusions*
0-30 minutes: No Credit
30-60 minutes: 3% of monthly server base fee, excluding any add-on services
Each additional 60 minutes; 3% of monthly base fee, excluding any add-on services, not to exceed 50% of one month's base fee.
2. Hardware Replacement Guarantee
iRexta Managed Hosting Inc. guarantees part availability and installation of any failed component within 1 hour of problem identification. The guaranteed replacement component if not installed within that timeframe will then allow the customer to be eligible for an SLA guarantee. Customers must meet SLA eligibility requirements listed below for any SLA credits to be granted.
* Please see below for any hardware replacement guarantee exclusions*
0-60 minutes: No Credit.
60-120 minutes: 3% of monthly server base fee, excluding any add-on services.
Each additional 60 minutes; 3% of monthly server base fee, excluding any add-on services, not to exceed 50% of one month's server base fee.
3. iRexta Network Uptime Exclusions
The following are exclusions from iRexta Network Uptime Guarantees:
Individual server outages that are not datacenter wide.
Inbound routes specific to an end user.
Providers outside of our physical buildings.
Scheduled Network Maintenance.
Scheduled Rack Maintenance.
Scheduled Facility Maintenance including (HVAC, Generators, ATS, Circuits, Delivered power).
Malicious attacks specific to your server or services not causing a datacenter wide outage.
Legal Actions resulting in suspension, termination or service availability to your individual services.
SLA infraction credits will not be issued to any customer who directly or indirectly caused the SLA infraction to occur.
SLA credits are specific to the affected service only. Additional services not affected during any SLA infraction will not be eligible for credits.
SLA infraction credits will not be issued to any customer who directly or indirectly caused the SLA infraction to occur.
4. iRexta Hardware Replacement Guarantee Exclusions
The following are exclusions from iRexta Managed Hardware replacement Guarantees:
Hardware must be purchased within 12 months from the time of failure.
Hardware replacement is limited to the time required to diagnose failed hardware. Upon determination of a defective piece of equipment internal to your server we will issue replacement parts guaranteed to be available to you at that time.
Hardware replacement only refers to the physical component replacement and excludes any time necessary to restore service functionality.
Additional time may be required for the reinstallation of the operating system, applications or software, rebuilding of raid arrays, restoration of backups, cloning of hard drives, data recovery attempts or other technical configurations needed to restore full server functionality.
5. iRexta Support Response Time Guarantee Exclusions
The following are exclusions from iRexta Managed Hosting Inc. Ticket response time guarantees:
Support response time is limited to Managed Servers.
Tickets must be sent through Premium Managed Server methods from an existing registered account.
All support tickets are guaranteed first response within 30 minutes of opening a support ticket request.
A support ticket must be opened through either the customer portal area at and generate a ticket ID #
A support ticket also may be emailed to our support staff at the appropriate ticket email addresses, and auto-reply must be received by the customer indicating ticket receipt.
A support ticket may only be sent from a pre-existing verified customer email address.
Response time is limited to an initial response. A resolution guarantee is not available simply because each issue is often unique and requires the proper attention to detail for a resolution.
Support response guarantees are only available for technical support issues. Billing, sales, customer service, IP requests, abuse departments are not eligible for guaranteed response times.
6. iRexta SLA Applicability:
All SLA infraction requests must meet the following criteria
SLA credits are required to be submitted to the billing department via the customer portal or emailed to the billing department within 5 days of the infraction.
A ticket number must be included or provided to verify the SLA infraction.
SLA credits will not be issued to any customer in breach of Terms of Service, Acceptable Use Policy or due to force majeure.
SLA credits will only be issued to customers in good financial standing.
SLA credits will be issued as a credit onto your iRexta Account within 90 days of your request. These credits will be applied to the next generated invoices from iRexta Managed Hosting Inc. until the credit has been fully used.
SLA infraction credits are not eligible for any of the listed exclusions above.